As some of you know, Bourbon has been back in training in Tennessee since January 1, 2012. He is now at Main Gait Farm under the hand of Hannah Pulvers. It's been a really hard decision to have him away from home again, but Hannah has done an amazing job.....and I just know this is the right decision for him. So Scott and I keep him close through pictures, videos and constantly talking about him. And we've even hung pictures in the barn so that Diva can see him from the cross-ties each day too. However today, I am in Tennessee, so I get to dole out real hugs and kisses this weekend.
It's the Fun Show. The big spring coming out party for this season's contenders. And tonight bourbon and I will show for the first time this year. This should prove I haven't ridden him for two months. Gosh willing, my saddle time on Diva and Fash can be translated quickly this morning so that we have a solid inaugural ride tonight. Nothing like a little pressure to get the blood pumping. Oh why couldn't it have been a smaller weekend show to ease into the year? But then again, what would have been the surprise in that? LOL.
Bourbon in his sunny stall at Main Gate. |
Main Gait is just a wonderful place. Its located back in a beautiful, tranquil setting, with long tree lined drive, a gazebo at the center of the riding ring outside and a bright sunny indoor arena. My jaw had dropped the evening I had first arrived with B way back on December 30th. B's stall is on the end, where he gets to watch out the door to get constant natural sunlight and catch a good breeze. Plus he has a direct view into the arena, so he is captain of all that transpires every day. Of course, this all eases the mind to know he's got great digs. Not to mention the kind companionship and tutelage by Hannah and Bub. (aka he's got it GOOD!)
Joy the 4-day old calf...and her splints. |
So, I'm off shortly to see B and ride him this morning. I'm staying with Jane again....which gives me a friend and my support structure as I inflict this crazy nerve racking pressure on myself. Unfortunately she is about 40 miles from Hannah's place, but every drive mile is worth it, to be here with her. She is the ever eloquent hostess with the mostess. And of course Scott appreciates it that I'm not alone while I'm here. Plus, it gives me special experiences, like meeting the 4-day old calf that Jane is currently caring for. A cute little girl who has front splint legs to correct a birth defect. It was endearing to watch her bottle feed the lil buggar last night. And awesome to see how she got around despite her two front legs in full casts. Only Jane would be the kind soul to take over as mamma! And now she's got me to care for too this weekend. Minus the splints, and I hope to keep it that way!
Now, my story begins again. This year to be focused on learning to conquer western pleasure riding, and bringing B along even further in his three year old season. He's striding well, timed up, and shaking hard. Hannah has him muscled and strong. And she's transformed him way beyond anything I could ever have dreamed of doing on my own. But he's up against the best young walking horses around. So the goal is on learning, having fun, and once again making new friends at this new barn. And inspirational hopes that the judges see potential in this young colt....and that my riding doesn't get in his way of a ribbon. ;)
Wish me well tonight. May the hooves stay on the bottom, and my bottom in the saddle!
I think that you said it best " my goal is having fun " when I started believing to that way of thinking, it change my whole outlook on the horse/showing world. As always-- goodluck!